How to Treat a Sick Turtle at Home

sick turtle

Turtles are fascinating creatures to have as pets. They may be slow, but they’re cute and can be incredibly entertaining to watch. However, turtles can get sick just like any other pet, and it’s essential to know how to treat them when they do. In this article, we’ll discuss the signs of a sick turtle, common illnesses, and how to treat them at home.

Signs of a Sick Turtle

The first step in treating a sick turtle is to identify that there is a problem. Here are some of the most common signs that your turtle is not feeling well:

– Loss of appetite: Turtles are notoriously picky eaters, but if your turtle is refusing food, it could be a sign of illness.
– Lethargy: If your turtle is usually active but suddenly seems uninterested in swimming or moving around, it may be a sign of sickness.
– Swollen eyes or runny nose: These are common symptoms of respiratory infections in turtles.
– Sunken eyes and wrinkly skin: These could indicate dehydration.
– Strange vocalizations: Turtles don’t usually make noise, so if you hear a coughing or wheezing sound, it could be a sign of a respiratory problem.

Common Illnesses and Treatments

Now that you know the signs of a sick turtle, let’s go over some common illnesses and how to treat them at home.

Respiratory Infections

Respiratory infections are one of the most common illnesses that turtles suffer from, particularly if their habitat is not kept clean or if they’re exposed to cold temperatures. If you notice your turtle has a runny nose or swollen eyes, or it’s making wheezing sounds, it’s essential to act quickly to prevent it from getting worse.

Treatment: If you suspect your turtle has a respiratory infection, the first step is to increase the temperature in their habitat to around 81-86°F. This will help boost their immune system and fight off the bacteria causing the infection. Also, make sure to keep their habitat clean by regularly changing their water and cleaning their enclosure.


Turtles need access to clean water to stay hydrated. If their water is not clean, or they’re not getting enough to drink, they can quickly become dehydrated. Common signs of dehydration in turtles include sunken eyes, wrinkly skin, and lethargy.

Treatment: Ensure that your turtle has a clean source of water available to them at all times. You can also encourage them to drink by offering juicy vegetables such as cucumbers or watermelon. You can also soak your turtle in warm water for around 15 minutes to rehydrate them.

Shell Rot

Shell rot is a bacterial infection that can happen if your turtle’s habitat is too moist. The bacteria can enter small cracks in the shell, leading to infection and decay.

Treatment: If you notice any black spots on your turtle’s shell, it could be a sign of shell rot. You can treat this by gently scrubbing the affected area with a soft-bristled brush and then applying an antiseptic ointment to prevent further infection. It’s also important to keep your turtle’s habitat dry by regularly changing their bedding and removing any excess moisture.

Internal Parasites

Turtles can get internal parasites from eating undercooked meat or contaminated food. Common symptoms include loss of appetite, diarrhea, and lethargy.

Treatment: If you suspect your turtle has internal parasites, take them to a veterinarian as soon as possible. The veterinarian will perform a fecal exam and prescribe medication to eliminate the parasites.


In conclusion, turtles may be cute pets, but they can get sick just like any other animal. It’s essential to recognize the signs of a sick turtle, such as loss of appetite, lethargy, and strange vocalizations. Common illnesses in turtles include respiratory infections, dehydration, shell rot, and internal parasites, and each requires a different treatment. By keeping their habitat clean, providing them with clean water, and offering a healthy diet, you can help keep your turtle healthy and prevent illness. If you notice any signs of sickness, it’s always best to seek veterinary treatment as soon as possible.

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