What do Turtle Doves Eat?

Turtle doves are small migratory birds known for their calm and gentle nature. They are a common sight throughout Europe and can be found in gardens, parks, and woodlands. But what do these birds eat to survive? Let’s explore their diet.

Grains and Seeds

Turtle doves are primarily granivores, which means they predominantly eat grains and seeds. Their favorite foods include millet, wheat, barley, and sunflower seeds. They also enjoy eating other seeds found in woodland habitats, such as beech and oak.

Turtle Dove Eating Seeds

Wild Berries and Fruits

When grains and seeds are scarce, turtle doves turn to eating fruits and berries. They have a particular preference for wild fruits such as blackberries, raspberries, elderberries, and dogwood berries. These fruits’ high sugar content provides valuable energy for the birds during migration periods and when rearing young.

Turtle Dove Eating Berries

Insects and Worms

Despite their preference for seeds and fruits, turtle doves also consume insects and worms. They feed their young with soft-bodied insects such as aphids and caterpillars. Turtle doves also feed on small snails, slugs, and earthworms. These sources of protein and fat are an essential part of the birds’ diet, especially during the breeding season.

Turtle Dove Eating Insect


Turtle doves occasionally pick at vegetation, such as leaves and buds, to supplement their diet. They consume young, tender leaves from shrubs and trees, including hawthorn, oak, and birch. This behavior is more prevalent during the breeding season as the birds search for calcium and other minerals to build stronger eggshells.

Turtle Dove Eating Vegetation

Supplementary Foods

Since turtle doves travel long distances during the migration season, they need a lot of energy. Besides, the birds will consume supplementary foods provided by bird feeders in gardens and public parks. These supplementary foods could include wild birdseed, peanuts and other nuts, and dried fruits.

Turtle Dove Eating from Bird Feeder

The Importance of the Turtle Dove’s Diet

The diet of turtle doves is crucial to their survival, especially during the breeding and migration seasons. Their preferred diet of grains, fruits, seeds, and insects provides the nutrients and energy required to build and maintain healthy bodies and rearing of their young.

Unfortunately, habitat loss, climate change, and modern farming practices have led to a decline in turtle dove populations across Europe. It is critical to protect and preserve the habitats and food sources of turtle doves to prevent further population decline.


Turtle doves are remarkable birds with a unique diet that is essential to their survival. Grains, seeds, fruits, insects, and vegetation are all part of their diet, providing the necessary nutrients and energy to sustain their populations. It is essential to protect and preserve the habitats and food sources needed for turtle doves to thrive.

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